
Get started with Talentcare


Hcareers partnered with Talentcare to help employers build a complete talent ecosystem – including software, solutions, data & expertise. This exclusive ATS partnership with Talentcare offers optional employer brand and reputation management services as well as end-to-end recruiting services.

  • Apply sophisticated marketing techniques to your career site, job ad distribution and job ad copy.
  • Reject the traditional applicant tracking system and gain a modern platform that provides a frictionless applicant process and an easy-to-use toolset for hiring and onboarding.
  • Design superb candidate experiences and sophisticated selection techniques to achieve recruiting intelligence so you can hire a team of loyal people who do great work.



  • Gain easy access to the same sizzle and rigor in employer branding, hiring operations and talent data insights that larger organizations have always enjoyed.
  • Articulate an employer brand and protect your job-seeker reputation.

With Talentcare, our clients articulate an employer brand and protect their job-seeker reputation; apply sophisticated marketing techniques to their career site, job ad distribution and job ad copy; and reject the traditional applicant tracking system for a modern platform that provides a frictionless applicant process and an easy to use hiring manager toolset. As a result, they create superb candidate experiences and design sophisticated selection techniques and gain recruiting intelligence in order to hire a team of loyal people who do great work.

Market Open Positions to Candidates for Maximum Visibility

Candidate Marketing

  • Templated career site with high SEO
  • Free distribution to the most popular job boards
  • Job ad sponsorship options on the main job boards and hundreds of niche job boards including HCareers
Make It Quick, Simple & Easy – Remove Barriers and Maximize Candidate Flow

Candidate Experience

  • Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software provides a seamless application process
  • Easy for candidate to find + apply for job
  • No sign in required
  • Mobile friendly application
  • Quick and early engagement of candidates
  • Applicants can receive texts directly from the system
  • Customizable outreach options directly from the platform (texting, email and phone communications)
Engage Candidates With Sophisticated Communication Tools at Scale

Candidate Engagement & Selection

  • Job templates for easy posting
  • Custom screening questions
  • Applicant scoring
  • Offer letter send
  • Hiring process data and reporting – including disqualification analysis, cycle times, candidate funnel reports and time-to-fill

* Includes training sessions and and pre-loaded job templates for ease.

Optional Core Solution Add-Ons + Pricing
  • Sponsor jobs – market price
  • Background checks – varies by provider & scope
  • Customized content on your career site and branded job profiles – $125 hr
  • Integration with your HRIS or payroll system – $5,000

*Additional Services*

Supplemental Data Insights & Recruiting Expertise

Know what is working (and what isn’t) with Talentcare’s data insights & reports. The Talentcare team sits with your company’s top team monthly to ensure success.

Monthly Meeting Agenda:

  • Review the data and reports
  • Consult on best practices
  • Review process improvements
Employer Brand & Reputation Management

Build and maintain a differentiating employer brand and protect your reputation to attract and retain top talent. From brand development and competitor analysis to online reputation management – Talentcare can help.

Employer Branding Solutions
  • Brand Development
  • Reputation Management
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Job Board Branding
  • Job Ad Writing
  • Fully branded career site (multi-brand available)
Psychometric Profiles and Assessments

Hire candidates that fit within the company and perform well, eliminating bad hires and reducing high turnover.​

  • Collaborate with hiring managers to build preferred profiles to define the ideal employee
  • Identify top performer attributes
  • Evaluate candidates based on top performers

Source & Screen for Frontline Hourly Roles
  • Let Talentcare handle the sourcing and screening (this includes psychometric profiles and assessments for each role)
  • Save time in a big way: interview and hire only the most qualified talent available​
Core Solution (ATS services) — Hcareers Team sells if:
  • No career site with job listing today
  • No applicant tracking system
  • Ferer than 5 locations
  • Fewer than 200 employees


Refer to Talentcare if:
  • More than 6 locations, or
  • More than 200 employees
  • Multiple brands or flags
  • Parent or management company structure in place
Setup an initial meeting with the client + Talentcare
Set a 15-minute prep session with Talentcare prior the client call
If you are unsure:
  • Schedule a 15-minute session with Talentcare, or email Derek Grubbs

Demo Script

To help you better prepare, the enclosed script will give you the necessary guidelines to become familiar with the Talentcare ATS solution.

Click Here To Download The Script

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