Newsletter Archive

What's better than one dad joke?

Two dad jokes.

Don’t worry if you missed out on our previous newsletters and jokes. Take a look at them below.

August 27, 2021

Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?

Great food, no atmosphere!

 Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?
August 6, 2021

Where do boats go when they're sick?

To the boat doc.

Where do boats go when they're sick?
July 16, 2021

What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?


What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?
June 18, 2021

Which letter of the alphabet is the coolest?

Iced “T”

Which letter of the alphabet is the coolest?
June 3, 2021

How can you tell that the ocean is friendly?

It waves.

How can you tell that the ocean is friendly?
May 21, 2021

How does the sun listen to music?

On the ray-dio.

How does the sun listen to music?
May 7, 2021

What kind of drink can be bitter and sweet?


What kind of drink can be bitter and sweet?
April 23, 2021

Why couldn’t the flower ride a bike?

It lost its petals.

Why couldn’t the flower ride a bike?
April 8, 2021

How excited was the gardener for spring?

So excited he wet his pants.

How excited was the gardener for spring?
March 25, 2021

What does a nosey pepper do?

It gets jalapeño business

What does a nosey pepper do?
March 11, 2021

Does February like March?

No, but April May.

Does February like March?
February 26, 2021

What do you call an elephant that doesn't matter?

An irrelephant.

What do you call an elephant that doesn't matter?
February 14, 2021

What kind of candy is never on time?


What kind of candy is never on time?
January 1, 2021

Why should you put your new calendar in the freezer?

To start off the new year in a cool way.

Why should you put your new calendar in the freezer?
December 25, 2020

Did you hear about Six Flags' new roller coaster?

They are calling it 2020.

Did you hear about Six Flags' new roller coaster?
November 26, 2020

What kind of key can't open doors?

A tur-key.

What kind of key can't open doors?
October 31, 2020

Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?

He didn't have the guts.

Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?
September 24, 2020

Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself?

It was two tired!

Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself?

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