Talentcare Interview Annies Murphy
Angela Murphy, Technical Specialist
Joined Talentcare as a contractor in 2014 and became an official employee in 2016.

When we moved to Italy, it was to take a bit of a break. My husband owned a house there. It was kind of an easy move. We are all European, so we didn’t have to deal with Visas or anything like that. We didn’t expect to stay so long, but it was an easy place to be, it’s beautiful, the food is great, they love kids – it’s just easy for everybody to be happy. Thailand – we wanted to move back to the city. My husband had a new job that required more travel in Asia and we didn’t want to do that from Italy. Thailand seemed like a nice, comfortable place to be. When the pandemic hit, or maybe didn’t quite hit yet, we decided Thailand wouldn’t be a good place to be stuck. One day we just packed our bags and went back to Italy, expecting it to be for a month or two. We ended up having to pack up our Bangkok apartment remotely and have our dog shipped to Italy! We’re quite happy where we are now, and it looks like we might be there a bit longer. Perhaps not always in the country, we might move into the city.
Australia, which is where I am now. Quarantining, and then will see my family. We get back here once a year. I am lucky to be with Talentcare because of the remote work, so I can come here & stay for a while. I get to see my family for a couple of months each year, which not many people in my circumstances could.
I enjoy working on the tech team, and helping them build & QA the ATS. It’s exciting and I get to be creative, even though I’m not the one coding.
Gosh, that’s a tough one. I mean, in general… I love the remote work, but I also really love the getting together times – even though I have to travel very far to get there, it’s always worth it to me. We all get a say in what’s going on and how we should move forward, and it feels productive and super friendly and fun.
I had 2 different start-ups, with my husband. The second one was a call recording business, which he then morphed into a different company. At that point, we moved to America. I had a bit of time where I didn’t have a green card, and once I got that, we decided that we should diversify within the family, so we weren’t all start-up, all the time. Eric was the first person I met in Austin. Paul had a mutual friend with Eric. He said “What do you know about recruiting?” And I said “Nothing.” (Laughter) He said “Well, have a think about it. We’re doing some really cool stuff.” After talking with Jeremy, I learned that there was room to grow, beyond just recruiting. Every year, my role has changed a lot, so I’ve never really sat still. There’s been room to grow, room to change. I’m lucky to be always doing different things. It helped moving to the tech team, that I really had used the system so heavily. I knew what it did inside and out, which makes the QA a little bit easier, for sure.